Flour Blend & Mixes

Flour & Mixes

“That’s gluten free!?!?” is the most common response our non-gluten-free friends have when they first try our muffin, cake, cookie mix or flour blend. The next comment usually is, “It’s honestly better than anything I have ever tasted!” When we tell them our delicious gluten-free flour blend and mixes are made with the nutrient dense ancient grain teff, oat flour and omega-rich flax we definitely get their attention. When we tell them teff is considered by many to be a superfood because it is high in protein, fiber, iron and rich in amino acids we get lots of applause, hugs and high-fives. Okay, that last part we made up, but it’s always followed by, “Can I have another cookie?” Why settle for starchy flavorless flour blends that have so few health benefits when our flour blend and mixes have a delightful mild flavor and incredible texture that all your friends and family, gluten free or not, will rave about.

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All Purpose Flour

All Purpose Flour

$47.94 for six (20 oz) bags
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Chocolate Cake Mix

Chocolate Cake Mix

$47.94 for six (20.2 oz) bags
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Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix

Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix

$47.94 for six (17 oz) bags
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Muffin Mix

Muffin Mix

$47.94 for six (16.1 oz) bags
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